Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Controller - Installment #13 - trepidation, peace and more trepidation

Monday morning, his first day at the office after the one-week hiatus, Allen uncharacteristically tells Jenny about his week away.
“And, the Lord has asked me to attend that excuse for a church, Powerhouse...for a season.”
“Are you sure?” Jenny asks. “How can you be sure?”
I heard his voice in my mind.
“It could be the enemy talking to you.”
“Really? It sounded like God.”
“How did it make you feel?”
“Filled me with trepidation, that’s for sure.”
“Scummy or slimy?”
“No, just unprepared and unsure.”
“Did you ask Him if it was Him?”
“Well, ask Him.”
“Right now?” 
“Why not?”
“Okay...Lord was that you telling me to attend Powerhouse?”
My ways are higher than your ways. I am with you always. Trust me.
Allen feels a settling peace as Mork gives him a mighty angel hug.
“There is no way this isn’t a God thing,” Allen concludes, but, to tell you the honest truth, there are a lot of places I'd rather be than Powerhouse.
“What did God say?
“He said His ways were high and to trust Him. 
Jenny nodded. “Sounds like you have an assignment. When you're following God's direction, there's nothing better.
“I guess I'll find out.

Later that morning Nick pops in. “I see you looked rested from your holiday. Where did you go, the Caribbean?”
“No, I’m afraid it was a working holiday.” As soon as he says it, Allen regrets what sounds like misgiving in his comment. “I mean I did a lot of necessary stuff around the house.”
Nick ignores this entirely. “Good news, Gold is going up in the markets. We’re richer than we think.”
“How’s the court case?” Allen asks.
“Not so good. We need more money. It seems the lawyers have to have some documentation released and it all takes funds. Nick reaches out his left hand, palm up and rubs his thumb back and forth across his fingers. I have to raise about $10,000 before Friday if we want to maintain our timeline. I'd like to borrow it against the company.”
“This could severely challenge your cash flow if it goes beyond the new year.”
“Oh, I’ll have it paid off way before the new year. Not to worry.”
Allen draws up a cheque for $10,000 and Jenny co-signs.
After Nick leaves, Jenny knocks lightly on Allen’s door. “Can we talk? I am concerned.”
“Nothing we can do about it. He is the boss. It’s his company.”
“And our jobs.”
“I think we'll will be okay. He has lots of time to pay the money back into the company and he’s got the potential to do it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Don’t worry Jenny, this will come out with us on top. I may even invest in that goldmine.
“You better pray first.” Jenny heads back to her desk.

Allen has a pile of emails to answer and doesn’t give the issue another thought. 

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