Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ten Things for Thanks Today

1. Marty (alias Dave) makes my breakfast just about every morning. This morning he put my plate on the table for me.

2. The weather's so warm today I'm starting to think about opening the pool.

3. I've got 44 friends on facebook. (On facebook you're encouraged to poke people. Is that like poking a campfire? I haven't been brave enough to find out.)

4. My kids have let me write about them if I use their second names.

5. I won't be driving to Montreal to pick up Amanda from McGill because Michelle volunteered.

6. Amanda will be home for the summer (more joy, more bliss, more laundry).

7. It's almost the end of tax season. That makes my accountant husband happy.

8. We've booked one week in August at the best possible campsite on beautiful George Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, the best provincial park in Ontario, thanks to Amanda's computer savvy booking. (Now Amanda has to write a deferred calculus exam right in the middle of that week. We need an airplane.)

9. I am thankful for Vinyl Cafe on CBC Saturday mornings.

10. Ellie's Blog called Counting My Blessings is helping me appreciate the everyday stuff.


Rachel said...

deferred, not make-up!

Marian said...

Change made.