Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Skyped Healing

Recently my friend Bette  prayed on Skype for a friend who lives in Cyprus and the friend was immediately healed.

Last year Bette's spiritual mom, a retired oncology nurse, had a cancerous tumour which God healed, but she continued to suffer from residual enlarged lymph nodes in her groin area which caused her leg to swell. Her only relief would be to lie completely flat so the nodes didn't have any pressure on them.

This past March, Bette and her spiritual mom were "skyping" when Bette noticed that her friend continually rubbed her leg. During their one and a half hour conversation, the friend got up to turn off some soup and Bette was shocked at how badly she limped and struggled to walk.

Bette reports, "Before we ended our conversation I felt God wanted me to pray for her—not really the norm for us. We usually end our time saying we will pray for the situations we have discussed or continue to pray for whatever we have been agreeing for, such as family salvations. We had never prayed on skype before.

After concluding the skype session, Bette received this e-mail: "Darling Daughter, As soon as I got up I could walk normally and the pain was almost gone!!! It was your prayer !!! I felt the power of it when you were praying. I am now baking for Sunday church and my leg does not hurt!!! Thank you so much."

Bette says, "I didn't feel any great anointing or that it was a powerful prayer. I love the fact it had nothing to do with me. Just follow the prompt."

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