Monday, April 22, 2013

Minnie Goes to Heaven (62)

(a novel continued)

In the car on the way home, Minnie and John thanked the Lord for what He had done. 
“It’s a good thing we fasted,” Minnie said.
“Our minister looks a little worn out,” John said.
“We really should be praying for him.” 
So they did. They prayed Reverend Peters would be revived and energized by the power of the Holy Spirit, that he would operate with the wisdom of the Lord, that the joy of the Lord would fill his heart, so that he overflowed with joy and love and peace and patience and wisdom and understanding, so that he would know exactly what to say and do and when to say and do it. 
“In Jesus name, Amen.” John finished as he pulled the car into their narrow driveway.

Saturday they made their final Christmas preparations. All three children would be coming even Mary as this year her pastor directed his followers home for the holiday. Minnie and John surmised an ulterior motivewhat? they wondered. Regardless, they were overjoyed.
Bill would be flying  in on Christmas Day and leaving again on Boxing Day. 
George was coming. He always came without Henry and usually stayed at least one night. 
Minnie freshened up their bedrooms. Over the years, she had thought of doing a major redecoration and reclaiming one of the rooms as a craft room, another as an office, and the third as a model guest room, but she hadn't changed anything except the sheets. At least this way the kids would know they were welcome. Besides where would she put their stuff? They might want their childhood treasures someday when they had children of their own. 

In the front room four brightly wrapped gifts sat under the tree and five red stockings hung from the mantel. They had debated about the stockings. Minnie recognized the value of childhood memories wrapped in those socks. John didn’t think them necessary—they were so Santa Clausbut he realized Minnie liked the stocking more than he didn’t, so he gave in. He bought a few little things to put in her's and Minnie took care of the others.

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